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Rating 1

Body Shots

October 28, 1999
by Dan Lybarger
Originally appeared in Pitch Weekly. ........................................................................................................

Director Michael Christofer (Gia) and screenwriter David McKenna originally wanted to call their new drama Jell-O Shots, but the company who makes the gelatin balked at the use of its name in the title. Now we know why. Body Shots is a joyless, stillborn mess that loosely concerns a he said/she said rape incident. Rarely have the lives of sexually active photogenic young adSybil Temchen, Amanda Peet, Tara Reid and Emily Procter in Body Shotsults seemed more dull. Christofer uses lots of flashy camera and editing techniques (overlapping dialogue, talking-head soliloquies and countless slow-motion shots). Still, no amount of technical trickery can make these obnoxious hormone cases interesting. Christofer and David McKenna even have the stupidity to weave an ill-conceived and anemic romantic subplot into the story. Never has celibacy looked so inviting. (R)



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